Hansel Sapkota

Exploring life's tapestry through words. Storyteller, thinker, advocate for fearless communication.LIFE || LOVE || LEADERSHIP. LEARN ABOUT THE SECRETS OF WEALTHY PEOPLE.

Do You Feel That You Have No Real Control Over Your Life?

If yes, well - then I have something for you that will change how you live your life, and turn you from a wanker unfocused consumption MONKEY to a focused ambitious warrior MAN.

Build a Business That Makes You $100/Day

The Art Of Twitter: The easiest, fastest, and most reliable method to build an online business that makes you $100/day in less than a year.

The Newsletters of Life Math Money: Volume 1 and 2

Newsletters are short pieces where I give highly actionable advice that you can start applying to your life IMMEDIATELY.
As you know, action is 1000x more valuable than theory. The books contains STEP BY STEP ACTION PLANS that you should start applying to your life ASAP.
Don't just read the books - DO THE BOOKS.

ADD CRYPTO TO YOUR RESUME (TeachYourselfCrypto.com Verified Certificates)

The primary intent behind the course is to educate people on crypto from scratch and help them build competency in crypto.

Vive Intencionalmente: Disciplina, Mentalidad, Dirección – Un Programa de Mejora Personal de 90 Días (Edición en Español)

¿Estás cansado de levantarte tarde por la mañana, de atravesar tu día como si fueras un zombi, y luego volverte a dormir?¿Has estado "intentando" perder peso desde hace mucho tiempo, pero no puedes progresar porque te saltas los entrenamientos y te falta voluntad para comer saludable?


Message me if you need any kind of help !!